Zero Waste Resources for New Jersey

We’ve got the tools and resources to help you on your zero waste journey. Whether it’s zero waste programs in New Jersey or restaurants specializing in reducing food waste near you, we’ve gathered our favorites. Do you have a recommendation to share? Contact us here.


Zero Waste Programs

There are many programs for both individuals and businesses to get involved with wherever you are on your zero waste journey.

Zero Waste Grocery Stores

With so many grocery stores to choose from, you want to make sure you can purchase from one that is reducing waste. Here are some of our favorites.

Zero Waste Restaurants

Are you sure your left-overs are being composted? We’ve rounded up some local zero waste restaurants here.

Zero Waste Events

Whether in-person or online, there are zero waste events available in your area. See what is coming up.

Compost Drop Off Sites

80 billion pounds of food is thrown away each year. Help combat food waste by dropping off your organics at one of these drop off sites.